intelligent agent vol. 6 no. 1
thirteen ignodicta about this art: juna teodosio pescador
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Thirteen Ignodicta About This Art
Juan Teodosio Pescador

Quicktime version of Thirteen Ignodicta

Smart, hip, and sassy, this art says something about you to everyone who sees it.
You know a winner when you see one.

This art portrays you as a cultural benefactor worthy of public admiration.
Take advantage of the momentary fame.

The profound understanding of the human heart revealed by this art has changed your life.
Contact the proper authorities at once.

This art provides zero pleasure.
Consider yourself supremely fortunate to have experienced it.

This art affords you the vicarious thrill of living someone else's life.
Let other people get your kicks for you.

This art begs you take compassion on its suffering.
Your generosity speaks well of you.

The healing power of this art can ease your pain.
Dab its essence on your brow.

This art speaks to you in a language you don't understand.
It must be dangerous.

This art is loaded with cultural values.
Fight, run, or surrender.

This art knows just how to insinuate itself into your life.
Resistance is futile, buy it now.

This art is so intense it won't bear your gaze another nanosecond.
Scorch your eyes until they glaze over.

Somewhere between celebrity and marginality, too proud to flirt, this art longs for someone to understand it.
Will you play hard to get?

The startling originality of this art leaves you groping for words.
You might as well be blind.